A Personal Approach
To Business Law

Understanding Child Support And Support Modifications

Nolan Law, LLC, regularly provides legal guidance to clients involved in child support disputes. Our firm’s founding lawyer, Joshua Nolan, makes it his job to provide his clients with large-firm legal service experience within a small-firm setting. This approach means individualized attention for clients, as well as small-firm-sized fees for a wide range of family law concerns in Ohio.

Child Support Orders Can Be Modified To Reflect New Financial Realities

Our firm understands that clients involved in a child support modification process, on either side of the matter, need an attorney who can walk them through it. Because we take the time to work with our clients individually, we can help them understand the many different factors to consider when discussing child support modification, including:

  • Unemployment
  • Underemployment
  • Underreporting of income
  • Self-employment
  • New employment

In all these matters, our experienced firm knows the legal terrain. We understand how the process works and what approaches may be more persuasive to the officials in charge of these matters. We work diligently to ensure that our clients know their options so they can choose their approach confidently and in an informed way.

Get Your Child Support Questions Answered By An Attorney

If you have questions about child support or modifications, there is no substitute for case-specific advice and answers. Nolan Law, LLC, offers experienced guidance and advice to family law clients in northwest Ohio. To learn more in an initial consultation, call us in Toledo at 419-442-7785 or send us an email.