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What should you do if you’re struggling with a troublesome tenant?

On Behalf of | Nov 16, 2020 | Real Estate |

You enjoy being a landlord for a few reasons. The first is that you get to provide housing to people who you love having as tenants. You meet new people and make friends with many who stay with you.

You also love that you have a regular income from a passive source. Your home works for you, helping pay for itself and bringing you in an income that you benefit from.

There are issues with being a landlord, too, though. Sometimes, it’s hard to find a good tenant. Other times, there are regular violations of leases or the misuse of property that has to result in an eviction.

What should you do if you’re struggling with a troublesome tenant?

If you’re struggling with a tenant who has violated your lease or you’re worried about a tenant who has fallen behind on rent, it’s a good idea to talk to your attorney about your options. Before you do that, though, you could reach out to the tenant.

In some cases, rent might be late because of how a pay period falls. A violation of the lease might happen accidentally or because of a misunderstanding. Speaking with a tenant may clear up those issues.

On the other hand, if a tenant is outright refusing to pay or violates your lease intentionally, then you may need help moving forward with an eviction. Your attorney can help you bring the right kind of legal action against a tenant if needed, so you can get your property ready for someone new. Our site has more on what to expect if you need to complete an eviction.