Property owners in Ohio can make a good income by renting or leasing homes in their communities. Those new to this business are often unprepared for the work it requires to be successful. Not knowing enough about the industry can also put your rights as a landlord at...
A Personal Approach
To Business Law
Month: February 2021
What terms protect you as a buyer considering a land contract?
Paying toward the purchase of a house is often a better use of your income than just paying rent. A land contract can be a great solution for someone who wants to buy a home but can't qualify for a traditional mortgage or doesn't want one right now. Most Ohio land...
Why is eminent domain legal?
Eminent domain is the process by which the government can take private property and put it to other uses. A common example is when an interstate is being run through a town and someone’s home is in the path of the roadway. The government may take the home in order to...